Topics for Java Projects

     Topics for Java Projects is one of the best solutions for final year projects. We provide all type of Java projects in various programming areas like Servlets, JSP, JavaScript, Servlets, JDBC, and J2EE. We have research community of 150+ Java programmers and 1, 00,000 students, sharing knowledge with each other. Our topics for Java projects include Java tools, application development, dynamic languages, etc. Our Java project experts practice with various programming techniques, libraries, and tools to make the source code simple and effective. The Topics for Java Projects has different domains and in each domain, you will get 1000+ research topics. Don’t get panic about your academic projects. We have the solution for all your needs.

Topics for Java Projects

     Topics for Java Projects is the general question which is heard from many students. It primarily depends on the area that you focus for final year projects. Today’s students require topics on networking, control systems, cyber security, web development, cryptography, graphic, and others. In this page, we will discuss about control systems and also provide latest topics for final year course. Java Programming is good and most suitable for control system projects.

Know about Java in Control Systems

  • Supports elegant syntax for control system configuration
  • Easily portable
  • Object-oriented, strongly written, and no pointers
  • Supports rich set of libraries, tools and packages
  • Design using Java SE, Java EE and Java FX
  • Interface with Dynamic languages (Python, Matlab Simulink)

Let’s readout some Java libraries and tools in control systems,

  • CTRE Toolsuite (Comprised of TalonSRX Libraries)
  • CANJaguar (WPILib removed Libraries)
  • Kauai Labs (Sensor fusion, NavX-MXP, and NavX-Micro libraries)
  • Scanse Sweep (Sweep LIDAR Java/C++ libraries)
  • WPILibNIVision (NIVision wrappers in Java/C++)
  • Mindsensors Libraries (CANLight and SD540C libraries)
  • Clay (Programming controllers behaviour based library)
  • JTT Application Programming Interface

Major Research Areas

  • Next Generation Networks (Wireless)
  • Hardware Integration (Embedded Systems)
  • Communication Systems (Matlab Simulink)
  • Advanced Robotics and Control (5D)
  • Circuit Design Integration (Analog, RF, MEMs)
  • Linear Control (Multi-Agent Systems)
  • Discrete Event Systems (Software Development Applications)
  • Non-linear Control (Path Following/Tracking)

Real-Life Applications using Java

  • Communication systems
  • Controller applications
  • Transport systems and control
  • Medical diagnostics
  • Games applications (Game controller)
  • Advance graphics applications
  • Safety critical embedded systems

/* Sample Java Code in 5D Robotics*/

def _send_robot_commands( self ):

v_l, v_r = self._uni_to_diff( v, omega )

self.robot.set_wheel_drive_rates( v_l, v_r )

def _uni_to_diff( self, v, omega ):

# v = translational velocity (m/s)

# omega = angular velocity (rad/s)

R = self.robot_wheel_radius

L = self.robot_wheel_base_length

v_l = ( (2.0 * v) – (omega*L) ) / (2.0 * R)

v_r = ( (2.0 * v) + (omega*L) ) / (2.0 * R)

return v_l, v_r

If anyone has a passion to work on control systems, send your requirements. We reach of you in short span. Let’s check with few topics in control systems using Java,

  • A designing process of 3D point cloud down sampling for 2D indoor scene modelling in mobile robotics system
  • On the use of an OpenCL Code Generator based on Accelerating Clifford for Algebra Operations system
  • An innovative performance for Predicting software defect at the class level is important in defect prediction method
  • A new process of Crazyflie 2.0 quadrotor as a platform for research and education in robotics and control engineering scheme
  • A design and development process of Mobile agents and their use in a group for cooperating autonomous robots system
  • On using Java and client-server architecture based on Web-controlled for robotic manipulator
  • A ground-breaking method for Learning coupled dynamic models of underwater vehicles used by on Support Vector Regression
  • An effectual performance for Hand-Object Contact Force Estimation based on commencing of Markerless Visual Tracking technique
  • On the use of arduino and multi agent system for Iot based on autonomous demand side management of a micro-grid system
  • An novel approach for Design and Analysis of Aspect Oriented Metric (Programming)  CWCoAR used by Cognitive computing system
  • A precious mechanism for Fault tolerant control system designed by on vacuum effect evaporator plant with sensor and actuator fault (Dataset) technique
  • An important method for Multi-agent system based on the fuzzy control and extreme learning machine based on by intelligent management in hybrid energy system
  • A new source for Rapid and low power computation of optical flow (OF) with Block-matching optical flow by dynamic vision sensors
  • A novel proposal for Stand-Out Segmentation Access Control Scheme based on by Cloud Outsourced Data system
  • On the use of Semantic Techniques for Improving the Understanding between Control Tower Operator and Pilot system