Core Java Based Projects

     Core Java based Projects is one of the common project category searched by many students who need to do a project for degree completion. We provide world class project solutions with the guidance for students. Due to our expert’s great experience, they are compete with all modern amenities and also updated ourselves in almost all latest technology. Our core Java based projects is a part of our organization functioning in worldwide. We offer custom project source code and report to meet your college/university needs. Once you learned core Java and now wants to develop Core Java based projects, please call us or mail us. We also provide training programs for beginners, which surely help you a lot.

Core Java based Projects

    Core Java based Projects provide a number of best project ideas for you to work up on. Core Java programming is the major milestone for Java developers because it facilitates lot of opportunities to explore them in Java. In this world, there are 10 million Java experts research under Java programming. Among those, our 150+ experts are ultimate’s who develop project in a unique way to the complete development.

Core Java based Projects on the following domains

  • Computer Science
  • Information Technology
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  • Communication System

Let’s start with the definition of Core Java Programming,

     …..”Core Java Programming is the fundamental aspect for Java, which is used for developing simple Java applications. It covers the Java concepts of Applets, JavaBeans, JDBC, and Swing. Simply it means that standalone application”.

              E.g. Application Form Fill-Up, Tic Tac Toe Game, Event Management System, Calculator

Core Java Programming Features

  • Automatic type checking
  • Automatic garbage collection
  • Simple and powerful
  • Portable and multithreaded
  • Architecture neutral
  • Secure, robust, safe
  • Dynamic programming language
  • Simplified network access

Core Java IDEs and RAD Tools

  • Aptana Studio 3
  • Borland J-Builder
  • Coda 2
  • J#, Microsoft Visual J++ (EOL)
  • MonoDevelop
  • NetBeans / Sun Forte
  • ShiftEdit
  • Squd
  • Symantec Visual Café
  • Xcode IDE
  • 50+ Core Java IDEs

Core Java based Projects on

  • Data mining
  • Image processing
  • Cloud computing
  • Networking
  • Parallel and distributed systems
  • Mobile computing
  • Wireless communication
  • Hadoop and big data
  • Network security
  • Data engineering

Java Application Projects on

  • Windows, iOS, Android based applications
  • Networking based applications
  • Web based applications
  • Mobile based applications
  • Embedded system based applications
  • GUI based applications

/*Core Java based Projects Code*/

// coding for RNA alignment using 3D Structure

import java.util.*;





import edu.bgsu.rna.jar3d.loop.Loop;

import edu.bgsu.rna.jar3d.loop.LoopType;

import edu.bgsu.rna.jar3d.query.Query;

import edu.bgsu.rna.jar3d.results.LoopResult;

import edu.bgsu.rna.jar3d.results.SequenceResult;

public class Tests {

public static void main(String[] args) {

int numSequences = 10;

int DNA = 0;

int range = 20;

if (args.length>0){


DNA = (int)(Double.parseDouble(args[4]));

List<Sequence> sequenceData = Alignment.loadFastaColumnsDNA(args[1],0,0,DNA);

numSequences = (int)(Double.parseDouble(args[3]));

range = (int)(Double.parseDouble(args[5]));

sequenceData = Alignment.doParse(sequenceData, args[2], range);

sequenceData = sequenceData.subList(0, numSequences + 1);





// choose sequence data and a model that goes with it

// for index restrictions to work, the first sequence needs to be at least as long as

// The sequence in the 3D structure from which the model was derived, and preferably

String modelName;

String seqName;

List<Sequence> sequenceData;

double[] scores;

double[] mlpscores;



scores = JAR3DMatlab.MotifParseSingle(“C:/”,seqName,modelName);




      The above code illustrates the RNA alignment using Java 3D API. Java 2D and 3D API support for graphics based applications. We support for OpenGL 4.0+ shader programming using Java. Here, we have provided computer graphics based project topics for your best understanding,

  • An effective mechanism for Compressing Color Data based on Voxelized Surface Geometry
  • An efficient mechanism for Mesh Denoising with Normal Voting Tensor and Binary Optimization
  • The new process of Improved Alpha Testing Using by Hashed Sampling
  • An effective mechanism for Live User-Guided Intrinsic Video based on Static Scenes
  • An efficient FaceForge mechanism for Markerless Non-Rigid Face Multi-Projection Mapping
  • An effective mechanism for Real-Time View Correction by Mobile Devices
  • The new process of Natural Environment Illumination based on Coherent Interactive Augmented Reality by Mobile and non-Mobile Devices
  • A new source of Geometric and Photometric Consistency in a Mixed Video and Galvanoscopic Scanning Laser Projection by Mapping System
  • A new source of Haptic Perception in Stiffness of Augmented versus Virtual Reality
  • An efficient mechanism for Dense Visual SLAM based on Probabilistic by  Surfel Map
  • On the use of Sonification in Visual Information for Physical Modeling Sound Synthesis
  • A novel study of Occlusion Leak Compensation for Optical See-Through Displays on use a Single-layer Transmissive Spatial Light Modulator