Sample Java Projects

     Sample Java Projects provide large number of project ideas with source code for undergraduate and postgraduate students. We have done a lot of Java projects in different environments such as Windows, Linux, mac OS X, FreeBSD and many other environments. We utilize the various popular Java frameworks (jUnit and Maven) and provide you strong knowledge to implement by your own way. Sample Java projects is an important part of our organization because every student want sample Java projects so we show them how well we develop that. We provide you only quality work with ultimate solutions by our experienced experts. Our world class engineers completed their PhD programmes in top universities and who have the 15+ years of experience in Top MNCs. So we give 100% assurance for your project work. Don’t worry about your projects. Start to work TODAY!!!!!!!!!

Sample Java Projects

     Sample Java Projects is a one stop destination for all the final year projects guidance in engineering, and diploma domains. Our branches are located in world’s top countries like USA, UK, UAE, Malaysia, Singapore, etc. This page will guide you through the creation of sample Java projects using different Java integrated development environments (Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, Netbeans, BlueJ). In this page, we include several research areas. Students can try out these areas for your implementing final year projects.

  • Object Recognition
  • Statistical Methods and Learning
  • Stereo and Motion Processing
  • Grouping and Segmentation
  • Augmented and Virtual Reality
  • Bioinformatics Imaging/Medical Imaging
  • Scene Understanding
  • Biologically and Early Inspired Vision
  • 3D Modeling
  • Infrared Imaging
  • Large Scale Vision Applications
  • Vision for Drone /Underwater/Aerial/ Ground Vehicles
  • Biometrics
  • Hyperspectral Imaging
  • Document Analysis and Entity Recognition
  • Image/Video Retrieval and Indexing
  • Face Processing and Real-Time Tracking
  • Human Motion Capture/Analysis
  • Gesture and Action Recognition
  • Robotics Vision
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Security and Surveillance Application
  • Industrial Inspection
  • Computational Photography
  • Open Source Software Computer Vision
  • Graphics for Vision
  • Video and Image Compression
  • Multimedia Applications
  • Advanced and Complex Algorithms
  • Languages and Vision

/* Sample Java Code for Credit Card Authorization*/

public class Credit Card {

public enum sample{ auth, capture, emv_auth, credit, auth_reversal, sale;

public static int enum_exist(String str) {

for (sample me : sample.values()) {

if (

return me.ordinal();


return -1;



Properties cybsProps = new Properties();

private static final String PROPERTIES=””;

static String authDecision;

static String captureDecision;

public static void main(String[] args) {

String argument=args[0];

Properties props = readProperty(argument + “.properties”);


String requestID;

String emvrequestID;

Properties cybProperties = new Properties();

cybProperties = readCybsProperty(PROPERTIES);

int choice =sample.enum_exist(argument);

switch (choice) {

case 0:

requestID = runAuth(cybProperties);


case 1:

requestID = runAuth(cybProperties);

System.out.println(“Request ID is ” + requestID);

if (!(“null”.equals(requestID))) {

requestID = runCapture(cybProperties, requestID, argument);



case 2:

emvrequestID = runAuthEMV(cybProperties,argument);


case 3:

requestID = runAuth(cybProperties );

System.out.println(“Request ID is ” + requestID);

if (!(“null”.equals(requestID))) {

requestID = runCapture(cybProperties, requestID,  argument);

if (!(“null”.equals(requestID)))

runCredit(cybProperties, requestID, argument);



case 4:

requestID = runAuth(cybProperties);

if (!(“null”.equals(requestID))) {

runAuthReversal(cybProperties, requestID, argument);



case 5:



case -1:

System.out.println(” \t\t Enter the correct Service_name\n\n “+ “\t\t while running the Script enter the service_name \n\n”+”\t\t for example to run a auth transaction enter the following command: \n”+”\t\t\t  for windows : runSample <service_name> \n “+”\t\t\t  for linux : ./ <service_name>  \n”+”\t\t service name argument can be auth,sale,credit,authreversal,capture,emv_auth \n”+”\t\t NOTE: if no argument is entered the script will terminate the program”);






    This code implemented Java SDK 1.6 and Maven 3 framework. Cybersource-sdk-java allows users to safely accept payments and provide security services in cloud based environments. Please check below other research based project topics

Sample Java Projects Titles

  • A new technology of Hyperspectral Image Classification for Canonical Correlation Forests
  • A novel study of Spike timing dependent plasticity based on enhanced self-learning for efficient pattern recognition by spiking neural networks
  • An effective mechanism for Simultaneous Spectral-Spatial Feature Selection and Extraction by Hyperspectral Images
  • An effective mechanism for Multi-Atlas Segmentation used by Partially Annotated Data into Methods and Annotation Strategies
  • A new mechanism for Application of convolutional neural networks based on pattern recognition circuits by railway automatics
  • A novel study of Pose invariance through registration for hierarchical feature based on pattern recognition systems
  • An effective mechanism for Reflectance and Natural Illumination of Single-Material Specular Objects used by Deep Learning
  • A new mechanism for Scalable Joint Models based on Reliable Uncertainty-Aware Event Prediction
  • An effective performance of Stepwise Analytical Projected Gradient Descent Search for Hyperspectral Unmixing and by Its Code Vectorization
  • An efficient technology for Spatio-temporal pattern recognition based on neural circuits with memory-transistor-driven memristive synapses

        If you are not satisfied with this tutorial, please check our other tutorials. You can surely get some idea about your final year projects. You can also find the Java Assignment Help, Java Homework Help, and Online Programming Help in our organization.