Java Projects for 10th ICSE Students

      Java Projects for 10th ICSE Students is an institute which is established for students in the classes of ICSE. We believe in quality and having world class certified engineers in relevant fields like core Java programming and advanced Java programming. We provide project assignments, homework and lab programs for 10th ICSE students and also we help them to complete a number of assignments and during the classes. Java Projects for 10th ICSE students at all levels. Our organization has a wide network which is offering Java programs for everyone from undergraduates to postgraduates. We encourage students to participate in various training programs and mould them according to their future career. Never give up due to any reasons because it’s hard to a beat a person who NEVER GIVES UP.

Java Projects for 10th ICSE Students

     Java Projects for 10th ICSE Students make a new starting point for everyone. Java is an evergreen programming language, which is providing amazing platform for students for future career. To reach your destination, you need a direction. We provide assistance to reach your goal and meet your requirements. Let’s imagine, think of your goal, just dreaming and finally planning for your success. Below we provided few important ideas in Java programming.

Our Supported Features for 10th ICSE Students

  • Support for Building Own Applications (e.g. mobile apps, web apps)
  • Provide guidance for Data Structure Algorithms (e.g. Tree, Stack, Queue, Graph, Sorting, Searching)
  • Support BlueJ Software and Java Compilers & Editors based Java projects
  • Provide tools to enhance Programming Knowledge and Improving Creativity Skills
  • Support for Fundamental Concepts of Java Programming
  • Without Any Syntactical Errors, we provide Simple and Innovative Programming Logics
  • We provide Complete Reference Tutorial with 100+ Sample Java Programs

Java Programming Classes

Web development

  • Android application
  • Web services, web security applications
  • Web mining applications
  • Web programming (HTML, CSS)
  • GUI applications

Database applications

  • PL/SQL programming
  • Internet applications development
  • Programming in SQL fundamentals
  • MySQL and Report Builder

OOAD and OOPs concepts

  • Classes, objects
  • Variables, data types
  • Polymorphism, inheritance
  • Encapsulation, abstraction
  • Data hiding, inheritance
  • Reflection and generic programming
  • Exception Handling
  • 9 set of UML diagrams
  • Project tools (Star UML, Rational Rose, Argo UML)
  • Java programs in console

Advanced Java programming

  • UI applications development
  • Java applets creation
  • Multithreaded applications development
  • Networking applications development
  • JDBC APIs for Java application
  • Java Spring framework
  • Socket programming
  • GUI using Java Swing

Networking and Hardware

  • Network security
  • Network standards
  • Network protocols
  • Network technologies
  • Cloud computing
  • Internet of Things
  • Switching and routing
  • Private cloud management
  • Linux OS (Red Hat)
  • VMware Cloud
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Ethical hacking
  • Computer hardware devices
  • Control system
  • LabVIEW (using Java Libraries)

/*Sample Java code for 10th ICSE Students*/

//JavaFX Tax Calculator Form Layout and Button Event Handler

public class TaxCalculator extends Application {


public void start(Stage primaryStage) {

primaryStage.setTitle(“JavaFX Tax Calculator”);

GridPane pane = new GridPane();




pane.setPadding(new Insets(25, 25, 25, 25));

Scene scene = new Scene(pane, 300, 275);

Text sceneTitle = new Text(“Tax Calculator”);

sceneTitle.setFont(Font.font(“Arial”, FontWeight.NORMAL,20));

pane.add(sceneTitle, 0, 0, 2, 1);

Label total = new Label(“Income:”);

pane.add(total, 0, 1);

final TextField totalField = new TextField();

pane.add(totalField, 1, 1);

Label percent = new Label(“% Tax:”);


final TextField percentField = new TextField();

pane.add(percentField, 1, 2);

Button calculateButton = new Button(“Calculate”);

HBox hbox = new HBox(10);



pane.add(hbox, 1, 4);

final Text taxMessage = new Text();

pane.add(taxMessage, 1, 6);

calculateButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {


public void handle(ActionEvent t) {

Double income = Double.parseDouble(totalField.getText());

Double tax = Double.parseDouble(percentField.getText())/100;

taxMessage.setText(“Tax incurred:”+income*tax);





public static void main(String[] args) {




Current Java Projects Titles

  • An effective source for evolutionary algorithm hyper-heuristics based on EvoHyp – a Java toolkit
  • The new process of Analyzing Program Dependencies based in Java EE Applications
  • An efficient performance for Annotation-Based on Parallelization of Java Code
  • An innovative process of Java with APGAS and Hazelcast for Fault Tolerance in Cooperative Lifeline-Based on by Global Load Balancing
  • The new-fangled development for Preparing an Online Java Parallel Computing Course
  • A successful mechanism of Memory-constrained implementation based on lattice encryption scheme in standard Java Card
  • An innovation mechanism for java application programming interface based in-vehicle infotainment devices
  • The new process of Automated Personalized Feedback in Introductory Java Programming MOOCs
  • An effective Java Programming Learning Assistant System based on by Proposal of Software Architecture
  • An inventive method of Region-Based Approach to Pipeline Parallelism in Java Programs on Multicores
  • The new technology of Java Nano-Patterns and Software Vulnerabilitiesamong by Correlation Analysis
  • The fresh technique for analyzing the evolution of testing library usage in open source Java projects
  • On the use of a Java library for novices based on Student perspectives


       This page is very much useful to all types of students and we provide Java projects ideas, Java projects abstracts, projects code with documentation. By the end of the project training you will developed a program in any concepts because we have served for your professional career. If you have an interest to work with us, please mail us. We provide 24/7 services in online.