Security Projects in Java

    Security Projects in Java is a No.1 leading service in various countries that offering best projects in Java. We have the best experts with excellent interactive environment along with detailed project material for improving our students technology skills. Our organization has ISO 9001.2000 certification that providing project training, software installation guidance, faculty training programs and workshops. Our security projects in Java is a long established service so what you needs for your final year projects, you can use it. 5 years later, the security projects in Java has expanded to focuses on the doctorate students in research and project development.

Security Projects in Java

    Security Projects in Java is established for students and research scholars. At present a number of students and research scholars got benefitted by our services and there are 5000+ projects delivered with inthis year. The research for the security projects in Java was carried out through various streams including, Depart of Computer Science, Depart of Mathematics, Depart of Electrical and Electronics, Depart of Information Technology, Depart of Eletronics and Communication. We also conducted a workshops and seminar programs for students to get the knowledge in current technologies. Our organization providing peer support for students to enhance their quality of life. Here is a short overview.

Security Projects in Levels

  • Advanced Threat Protectiong. Cisco/Ironport, FireEye
  • Intrusion Detection and Preventiong. Sourcefire, McAfee
  • Web Securityg. Fortinet, Imperva
  • Email Security g. Bluecoat, Trustwave
  • Forensics Analysis g. RSA/NetWitness, Solera
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP) g. Websense, TrendMicro
  • Network Generation Firewallsg. Palo Alto Networks, Checkpoint
  • Security Event Monitoringg. HP/Arcsight, IBM/Q1Labs

Top 10 Security Threats:

  1. Authentication and access control bypass
  2. Clickjacking
  3. Session hijacking
  4. Open redirect
  5. Cross-site scripting
  6. SQL injection
  7. Cross site request forgery
  8. Parameter manipulation
  9. Web application attacks and proxies
  10. Authorization attacks

Common Web Application Vulnerabilities:

  • Blacklist and whitelist validation
  • Input validation
  • Regular expressions
  • Output encoding
  • Client-side security headers
  • Content security policy

We can build applications using:

  • Security manager
  • Java cryptography architecture
  • Java secure sockets extension
  • Secure sockets layer or transport layer security
  • Java enterprise edition authentication
  • Basic and form based authentication
  • Client certificates
  • Secure password storage techniques

Best 5 Practices to Secure Data:

Private Certificate and Key

  • Get certificates from a reliable CA
  • Use private keys with 2048
  • Ensure sufficient hostname coverage
  • Protect private keys


  • Use secure protocols and secure cipher suites
  • Control cipher suite selection
  • Certificate chains deployment
  • Support forward secrecy
  • Disable client-initiated renegotiation
  • Mitigate problems immediately

Application design

  • Encrypt 100% of your data
  • Secure cookies
  • Disable caching of sensitive content
  • Deploy HTTP strict transport security
  • 3rd part trust understanding
  • Avoid mixed content


  • Avoid strong private keys
  • Use HTTP for persistent connections
  • Enable public resources caching
  • Ensure session resumption

Other Security Vulnerabilities

  • Complete overview of source code properly

 Let’s take one sample code to control number of certificates per connections,

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException,
GenSecurityException {
final char[] JKS_NAME = “admin”.toCharArray();
final char[] KEY_PASSWORD = “123456”.toCharArray();
// Open the keystore
KeyStore kStore = KeyStore.getInstance(“JKS”);
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(JKS_NAME);
kStore.load(fis, KEY_PASSWORD );
// Create trust manager which will trust only the server certificate
String algo = TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm();
TrustManagerFactory tmfact = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(algo);
X509TrustManager tmanager = (X509TrustManager)tmfact.getTrustManagers()[0];
// Create connection
URL url = new URL(“https://localhost:8080/index.jsp”);
HttpURLConnection urlCon = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
if (!(urlCon instanceof HttpsURLConnection)) {
System.err.println(“Connection is not secured!”);

// Configure SSL connection to use trust manager
SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance(“TLS”);
sslContext.init(null, new TrustManager[] { tmanager }, null);
SSLSocketFactory sfactory = context.getSocketFactory();
((HttpsURLConnection) urlCon).setSSLSocketFactory(sfactory);
// Open connection to server
System.out.println(“Got connection!”);

Awesome Topics on Security Projects in Java:

  • A new mechanism for SOMR based on Security-Oriented by MapReduce Infrastructure
  • A novel technique of Modeling and Analysis for Security Protocol in C-DAX Based on Process Algebra
  • An effective performance of Cloud Security using Virtualized Out-of-Band Execution and Obfuscation
  • A new technology of Dynamic current mode logic based flip-flop design for robust and low-power security integrated circuits
  • An effective performance of Security control for linear systems subject to denial-of-service attacks
  • A novel technique  for Security-Aware Resource Allocation with Delay Constraint on NOMA-based Cognitive Radio Network
  • A new mechanism  for Leveraging SDN and WebRTC based on  Rogue Access Point Security
  • An efficient mechanism for Security and performance improvement in OFDM transmission used by chaotic precoding
  • A novel technique of Quantitative Reasoning about Cloud Security used by Service Level Agreements
  • An effective performance for Enhancing PHY Security of Cooperative Cognitive Radio Multicast Communications
  • A novel technology of Structure and model in smart house security system used by machine learning methods
  • An effective mechanism for whole-process in WiFi security perception based on software system
  • A new mechanism for Security Analysis of Password-Authenticated Key Retrieval
  • An effective mechanism for  Uniquified Virtualization Approach based on Hardware Security
  • A new technique for Design and Edge Layer Security Service to Enhance IoT Security