Java Application Projects

  Java Application Projects is the favourite place for students. Our organization is a world’s leading organization preferred by all. We are retained the freshness on the face by core values as teamwork, persistence, smart-work, consistency, integrity, humility, and diversity. Our network has consist of 150+ Java experts and 5000 happy customers and we recently released 5000+ Java Application Projects in all over the world. Our experts work only on students need in their specific areas and make confident of finding the best but we can work beyond the student’s requirements. Our secrets of success are dedication, smart thinking and singular vision. If you are looking for Java Application Projects, please drop one email or contact through phone. We provide services at 24/7.

Java Application Projects

    Java Application Projects create a beautiful place inside of you and then begin to expand and build outward. Today, there are infinite applications that can be developed using Java (scripting technologies, databases, application servers, etc.). Our research team is highly capable of developing all aspects of applications (mobile, web, scientific, end-to-end security, and order processing). Using our unique approach and methodology, we can provide you best solutions to the most complex applications.

Our Focus Areas: Application Development

// Software based

  • Custom Application Development (Java/C++/.NET)
  • Web based Applications Development (J2EE)
  • Browser based Applications (AJAX 2.0)
  • Handheld Apps and Mobile Devices
  • Database Applications using Oracle
  • OSS/BSS Application Development
  • Enterprise and PBX IP Telephony
  • Mobile Apps Development (e.g. Android, iOS)

// Application based

  • User Experience Design
  • Usability Analysis
  • Product Development
  • VOIP Applications
  • Support Knowledgebase
  • Prototype Development
  • Product Testing
  • SIP based Applications
  • Voice/Data Softphone/Video Development

// Web based

  • Social networking sites
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  • Wiki, blog and forum sites
  • E-commerce solutions
  • Database driven web portals and sites
  • Enterprise content management system
  • Video podcasts and on-demand
  • Dynamic web sites with content management

Top Web Frameworks for Java based Application Development

  • JSF
  • Grails
  • Struts
  • Play Framework
  • Vaadin
  • Dropwizard
  • JHipster
  • Spring MVC
  • Spring Boot
  • GWT

/* Sample Java Code for Digital Signature System using RSA Algorithm*/

// Source code for signature Generation

import java.math.BigInteger;
class Rsa{
static class Keys{BigInteger n;BigInteger d;BigInteger e; }
public static void main(String[] args){
Keys aliceKeys = new Keys();
aliceKeys.n = new BigInteger(“951386374109”);
aliceKeys.d = new BigInteger(“279263220413”);
aliceKeys.e = new BigInteger(“17”);
Keys bobKeys = new Keys();
bobKeys.n = new BigInteger(“951386374109”);
bobKeys.d = new BigInteger(“799574694235”);
bobKeys.e = new BigInteger(“19”);
String aliceMsg=”Hello Bob, how are you? “;
int blockSize = 12;
Rsa10 obj = new Rsa10();
byte[] aliceDigest = obj.digestIt(aliceMsg.getBytes());
int tailLen = aliceDigest.length % blockSize;
int extendLen = 0;
if((tailLen > 0))
extendLen = blockSize – tailLen;
byte[] aliceExtendedDigest =  new byte[aliceDigest.length + extendLen];
String aliceExtendedDigestAsHex =    obj.byteArrayToHexStr(aliceExtendedDigest);
String aliceEncodedDigest =   obj.encode(aliceExtendedDigestAsHex);
String aliceSignature = obj.doRSA(aliceEncodedDigest,aliceKeys.d,aliceKeys.n, blockSize);
System.out.println(“Alice’s encrypted digital signature: “+ aliceSignature);
String aliceSignedMsg =  aliceMsg + aliceSignature;
System.out.println(“Alice’s signed msg: “+ aliceSignedMsg);
String alicePaddedSignedMsg = obj.padTheMsg(aliceSignedMsg,blockSize/2,  aliceMsg.length());
System.out.println(“Alice’s padded signed msg with msg length appended: ” + alicePaddedSignedMsg);
String aliceEncodedSignedMsg = obj.encode(alicePaddedSignedMsg);
String aliceEncryptedSignedMsg = obj.doRSA(aliceEncodedSignedMsg,bobKeys.e,bobKeys.n, blockSize);
System.out.println(“Alice’s encrypted signed message: “+ aliceEncryptedSignedMsg);
String bobDecryptedSignedMsg = obj.doRSA(aliceEncryptedSignedMsg,bobKeys.d,bobKeys.n, blockSize);
String bobDecodedSignedMsg =      obj.decode(bobDecryptedSignedMsg);
System.out.println(   ” Bob’s decrypted and decoded signed message: “+ bobDecodedSignedMsg);
int bobMsgLen = Integer.parseInt(bobDecodedSignedMsg.substring(bobDecodedSignedMsg.length() – 4));
String bobExtractedMsgText =bobDecodedSignedMsg.substring(  0,bobMsgLen);
System.out.println(” Bob’s extracted msg text: ”  + bobExtractedMsgText);
String bobExtractedEncryptedSignature;
if(bobDecodedSignedMsg.indexOf(“=”) != -1){
bobExtractedEncryptedSignature = bobDecodedSignedMsg.substring( bobMsgLen,bobDecodedSignedMsg.indexOf “=”));
bobExtractedEncryptedSignature = bobDecodedSignedMsg.substring(bobMsgLen,bobDecodedSignedMsg.length() – 4);
System.out.println(“Bob’s extracted extended digital signature: “+ bobExtractedEncryptedSignature);
String bobDecryptedExtendedSignature = obj.doRSA(bobExtractedEncryptedSignature, aliceKeys.e,aliceKeys.n,blockSize);
String bobDecodedExtendedSignature = obj.decode(bobDecryptedExtendedSignature);
System.out.println(” Bob’s decoded extended digital signature: ” + bobDecodedExtendedSignature);
String bobDecodedSignature = bobDecodedExtendedSignature.substring(0,40);
System.out.println(” Bob’s decoded digital signature: ” + bobDecodedSignature);
byte[] bobDigest = obj.digestIt(bobExtractedMsgText.getBytes());
System.out.println(“Bob’s digest: “+ obj.byteArrayToHexStr(bobDigest));
System.out.println(“Bob’s conclusion: Valid signature”);
System.out.println(“Bob’s conclusion: Invalid signature”);

// Encryption process
String encode(String msg){
byte[] textChars = msg.getBytes();
String temp = “”;
String encodedMsg = “”;
for(int cnt = 0; cnt < msg.length();cnt++){
temp = String.valueOf(textChars[cnt] – ‘ ‘);
if(temp.length() < 2) temp = “0” + temp;
encodedMsg += temp;
return encodedMsg;
// Decryption process
String decode(String encodedMsg){
String temp = “”;
String decodedText = “”;
for(int cnt = 0; cnt < encodedMsg.length();cnt += 2){
temp = encodedMsg.substring(cnt,cnt + 2);
int val = Integer.parseInt(temp) + 32;
decodedText += String.valueOf((char)val);
return decodedText;

Sample Java Application Projects Titles

  • A designing process of hardwiring the OS kernel into a Java application processor system
  • A framework function of MDA approach for a unified application development scheme
  • On the use of machine learning into Rotating Machinery for SOA Based on Integrated Software to Develop Fault Diagnosis Models
  • Android applications based on Model Checking system
  • A new-fangled web based applications system based on Modular and flexible coordination
  • A framework process of Blueprint Flow for declarative service composition based on by cloud applications
  • An innovation of Detecting Java Code Clones with Multi-granularities Based on Bytecode scheme
  • An effective design of Analyzing Interacting Android Apps based on Scalable Approach, Robust and competent system
  • A fresh process of Supporting Data Analytics Applications Which Utilize Cognitive Services method
  • An effective mechanism for SDN based on Deep packet inspection Management application
  • An inventive process of Reflexion Model Based on Architecture Conformance Analysis Toolkit intended for OSGi-Compliant Applications
  • An application of Software Architecture designed for Java Programming Learning Assistant scheme
  • An effective design for InsDal of safe and extensible instrumentation tool on Dalvik byte-code designed for Android applications