Java Projects for Practice

    Java Projects for Practice is the best way to prepared for your final year projects. We manage many of engineering students and research scholars during project development. Our training and assistance include: IEEE project development, Journal publication and Real-time project development. During our practical Java courses, you can build a realistic project to get better understanding of Java. Nowadays Java is widely used because it exists in abundance to support the websites developments or server side communications.  This is the best way to acquiring new skills and knows what are the trends and technologies involving in Java. We have the 50+ branches focused on creating the ultimate Java projects with code snippets. All branches are registered and certified by ISO 9001.2000 certification. Yesterday’s failure was merely practice for today’s success. Its new day so go out there and win this

Java Projects for Practice

    Java Projects for Practice is the wonderful platform to learn in-depth on Java technical topics. Students often think that Java is difficult for programming. From the beginning, we investigated a Java and it is an interesting programming for learning. To help with this, we recommend this tutorial. For most practical purposes Applets are fashionable. Initially, Java was invented for applets developments. Applets are generally used for developing small applications (e.g. website creation). Here we provided a list of project topics for beginner’s reference

   Java Applet is an application executed through JVM and it can easily into your web pages. Java SE Depement Kit (JDK) updated version is well suitable to compile Java programs.

  • It can be embedded within a HTML page
  • It exist in byte code form on the server
  • Always downloaded from the web browsers and implemented from the client machine

Why we go for Java Applets?

  • To involving with programming graphics
  • For network programming
  • To develop interactive applications
  • To develop attractive web pages
  • To develop web based applications

Java Applet Packages

  • import java.awt.*;
  • import java.applet.*;
  • import java.awt.Image;
  • import java.beans.*;
  • javax.swing.*;
  • org.omg.CORBA.*;

Java Simple Applets Examples

  • 3D Surface
  • Chatterbox
  • Missile Defense
  • TickerTape
  • Bouncing Ball Animation

Applets Supported Languages

  • Jython
  • JRuby
  • Pascal
  • Scala/Eiffel (through Smart Eiffel)

Supported Platforms

  • Microsoft Windows
  • FreeBSD
  • Linux
  • Mac OS
  • Unix

Java Tools for Writing Applets

  • IDE (e.g. BlueJ Version 1.1/Microsoft Visual J++6.0)
  • Java Editor (Programmer’s File Editor)
  • Java API
  • Java Compiler

/* Sample Java Code for 3D Rectangles using Applets */

import java.applet.Applet;

import java.awt.Color;

import java.awt.Graphics;

public class Draw3DRectanglesExample extends Applet{

public void paint(Graphics g){


void draw3DRect(int x1,int y1, int width, int height, boolean raised)


// Draw 3D square



void fill3DRect(int x1,int y1, int width, int height, boolean raised)


//Draw a filled 3D square




/* Sample Java Code for Fuzzy Logic using jFuzzyLogic library */

// Source code to apply fuzzy rules and perform fuzzy evaluation…..

void fuzzycontrol() {

int greenq = 0, redq = 0;

double ext = 0.0;

if(L.status[0] == Light.yellow) return;

if(L.status[0] == {

// horizontal traffic: three junctions, three queues

greenq = getMaxEW() / 3;

redq = getMaxNS();



else if (L.status[0] == {

redq =getMaxEW();

greenq=getMaxNS() /2;



// Set inputs



fis.setVariable (“red”,redq);



// Evaluation


// Defuzzify output variable

ext= fis.getVariable (“ext”).defuzzify();

}catch(Exception e){



// Traffic Delay Setting

if (end_green+ext>end_maximum) end_green= (int)runtime;

else end_green +=(int)ext;



    This code demonstrates the fuzz logic for controlling traffic lights and the tested using Eclipse SDK 3.4.2 and jFuzzyLogic 2.0.7 Jar library. We also used fuzzy4J Java library for fuzzy logic functions. Here we listed few project topics implemented in the area of “Fuzzy Logic” based on Applets.

  • On the use of Holt-Winters and Genetic Algorithm With Fuzzy Logic for Theoretical Game Based System of DoS/DDoS Mitigation by SDN Networks
  • An effective mechanism for Fuzzy mobile expert system based on academic advising
  • A new mechanism for Fine Grained Access Control based on User Authentication Scheme by Telecare Medicine Information Systems
  • A novel technique of Revisiting Fuzzy Set and Fuzzy Arithmetic Operators and Constructing New Operators by Land of Probabilistic Linguistic Computing
  • A novel technology for T-S Fuzzy Logic based on Modeling and Robust Control by Burning-Through Point on Sintering Process
  • A novel technique for Mixed Nonprobabilistic Reliability-Based Optimization Method of Heat Transfer System in Fuzzy and Interval Parameters
  • An efficient mechanism for Fuzzy-Based System in Qualified Voting of P2P Mobile Collaborative Team
  • A novel study of Path Tracking of an Automatic Ground Vehicle with Different Payloads on Hierarchical Improved Fuzzy Dynamic Sliding-Mode Control
  • A new mechanism for Adaptive Fuzzy Control based Nonlinear Networked Control Systems
  • A novel technique for New Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis Technology by High-Power Lithium-Ion Battery
  • A new mechanism of optimal vibration control and innovization based  rectangular plate