Java Codings for Projects

    Java Codings for Projects provide Java projects with complete source code for everyone. Java is one of the most reliable programming languages in the world. Today’s Java is a most lovely language due to its distinct features. We have developed many Java projects using various concepts. There are many streams of students (CS, IT, Electronics and Communication) are benefitted throughout the world. Our Java developers have great experience for providing programming logics and project support to students. To code in Java, you should learn about the basic concepts like arrays, variables, basic data types, and primitive data types. We get so proud about being World No.1 Project Company. This is due to our expert’s pretty mind, pretty smart, pretty strong. To know more about our Java codings for students, call us or approach us directly.

Java Codings for Projects

   Java Codings for Projects provide exclusive support for students and research scholars. Participation of Java programming is extensively high among students. For this reason, we help you through Java codings for students, its core service and give proper guidance for writing robust codes in Java and help you how to install Java software for developing it. During your code implementation, we concentrate on the following areas include:

  • Controlling flow with conditional code
  • Creating method and classes (more than one)
  • Component controls and their properties
  • Arithmetic operators exploration
  • Initialization of variables with different data types
  • Event handler methods creation
  • Java packages, GUI applications
  • Software installation

/*Sample Java Code using CAN Protocol */

// Source code ECOM Device Driver…..

public class ECOM_Example {

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {

ECOMLibrary lib = ECOMLibrary.INSTANCE;

ByteByReference ReturnErrorRef = new ByteByReference((byte)255);

Pointer EcomHandle = lib.CANOpen(0, ECOMLibrary.CAN_BAUD_250K, ReturnErrorRef);

byte ReturnError = ReturnErrorRef.getValue();

if (EcomHandle == Pointer.NULL || ReturnError != 0)


ByteBuffer ErrMsg = ByteBuffer.allocate(400);

lib.GetFriendlyErrorMessage(ReturnError, ErrMsg, 400);

System.out.print(“CANOpen failed with error message: “);

System.out.print(new String(ErrMsg.array()));



long EndTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + 10000;

while (System.currentTimeMillis() < EndTime)


ECOMLibrary.EFFMessage RxMessage = new ECOMLibrary.EFFMessage();

ReturnError = lib.CANReceiveMessageEx(EcomHandle, RxMessage);

if (ReturnError == ECOMLibrary.CAN_NO_RX_MESSAGES)


Thread.sleep(1); //wait for messages since there are none yet


else if (ReturnError != 0)


ByteBuffer ErrMsg = ByteBuffer.allocate(400);

lib.GetFriendlyErrorMessage(ReturnError, ErrMsg, 400);

System.out.print(“CANReceiveMessageEx failed with error message: “);

System.out.print(new String(ErrMsg.array()));



else      {

System.out.print(“CAN ID: 0x” + ConvertToHex(RxMessage.ID, 8) + “, Len: ” +

RxMessage.DataLength + “, Data: “);

for (int i = 0; i < RxMessage.DataLength; i++)

System.out.print(ConvertToHex([i], 2) + ” “);






//Simple little function that converts a byte into hex

static String ConvertToHex(byte value, int padZeros)


int i = value & 0xFF;

String str = Integer.toHexString(i);

str = str.toUpperCase();

int pad = padZeros – str.length();

if (pad < 0)

return str;

for (int x = 0; x < pad; ++x)

str = “0” + str;

return str;


static String ConvertToHex(int value, int padZeros){

String str = Integer.toHexString(value);

str = str.toUpperCase();

int pad = padZeros – str.length();

if (pad < 0)

return str;

for (int x = 0; x < pad; ++x)

str = “0” + str;

return str;



     This code illustrates about ECOM Device Driver installation in CAN (Controller Area Network) using Java Native Library and implemented in Java JDK 1.7. CAN protocol is providing complete support for communication between electronic devices includes:

  • ABS
  • Active suspension
  • Airbags
  • Air conditioning
  • Central looking
  • Embedded in automobile
  • Gear control
  • Lighting control

Can protocol based Java Projects Titles

  • A new technology for Random waypoint impact in bio-inspired routing protocols by WSN
  • An efficient mechanism for Provably Secure Three-factor Session Initiation Protocol by Multimedia Big Data Communications
  • A novel technology of Optimality based on recursive data exchange protocol
  • An efficient mechanism for protocol to evaluate ankle movements with using by reaching tasks based on pediAnklebot
  • An efficient mechanism for Virtual Reality Protocol into orthostasis for people during spinal cord injuries
  • An effective performance for new capacity-approaching protocol with general 1-to-K broadcast packet erasure channels by ACK/NACK
  • An efficient mechanism for real-time visual feedback protocol into improve symmetry of spatiotemporal factors in gait based stroke survivors
  • A new source of Supporting security protocols based on CAN-based networks
  • A novel technology of Software instrument for testing cluster devices based on use of high-speed CAN protocol