Java Simple Projects

     Java Simple Projects is the student oriented project company which gives much information about your projects. Java is one of the best programming languages used to create platforms and web applications. It is also flexible to write code and can work on any platforms (Windows, Mac OS X and Linux). Beginners can easily adopt and use Java programming because it can be run simply on nearly any other platform has a JRE (Java Runtime Environment) installed. Based on a student interest, we provide complete project training as well as giving individual project assistance for all the students (undergraduate/postgraduate). Contact us for any query. We look forward to serving you.

Java Simple Projects

     Java Simple Projects provides a platform for students especially beginners for developing Java simple projects. Most of the students prefer Java to the academic projects as it provides opportunity to explore their future career. We have top experts and tutors to develop simple projects at the easiest way and also making you confident about 100% outputs. We offer IEEE final year projects for IT/CSE/EEE/ECE/EIE students and research scholars. In this page, we provided some useful project topics. Hope they can assist the beginners to acquire some knowledge.

We train you on

  • Java concepts
  • Create and use many classes and methods
  • Develop programs using latest software
  • Develop simple programs using arrays, methods, control statements, primitive data types
  • Interesting projects development
  • GUI interface development and Java applets

  Some of the popular and interesting ideas are with the help of Java and 3rd party technologies like Matlab and OpenCV

  • Bus ticker reservation system on web
  • Eye tracking and keyboard with Chinese input
  • Plaque identification of automated image enhancement
  • Graphical password authentication system
  • Online blood donation system
  • Topology controlling based on cooperative communications in ad hoc networks
  • Robust face name graph matching and identification for movie character
  • Web servers based SSL back end forwarding scheme of clusters
  • Encryption, Architecture, API and security of biometric technology
  • Efficient and approximate processing of query in peer-to-peer networks
  • Power perception levels identification from video for motion extraction techniques

/*Sample Java Code to implement imgradient function in Matlab using OpenCV*/

Public Mat imgradient(Mat grayScaleImage) throws NullPointerException
Mat grad_x=new Mat();
Mat grad_y = new Mat();
Mat abs_grad_x=new Mat();
Mat abs_grad_y=new Mat();
Mat gradientImag = new Mat(grayScaleImage.rows(),grayScaleImage.cols(),CvType.CV_8UC1);
Imgproc.Sobel(grayScaleImage, grad_x, CvType.CV_16S, 1, 0,3,1,0,Imgproc.BORDER_DEFAULT );
Core.convertScaleAbs( grad_x, abs_grad_x );
Imgproc.Sobel( grayScaleImage, grad_y, CvType.CV_16S, 0, 1, 3, 1,0,Imgproc.BORDER_DEFAULT );
Core.convertScaleAbs( grad_y, abs_grad_y );
double[] buff_grad = new double[1];
for(int i = 0; i < abs_grad_y.cols(); i++)
for(int j =0 ; j<abs_grad_y.rows() ; j++)
double[] buff_x = abs_grad_x.get(j, i);
double[] buff_y = abs_grad_y.get(j, i);
double x =  buff_x[0];
double y =  buff_y[0];
double ans=0;
ans = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x,2)+Math.pow(y,2));
buff_grad[0] =  ans;
gradientImag.put(j, i, buff_grad);
return gradientImag;

Other Third Party Tools and Frameworks

  • e(fx)clipse
  • FX Experience Tools
  • DEX
  • Scenic View
  • Granite Data Services
  • CaptainCasa
  • JFX Flow
  • Reaction
  • JacpFX Project
  • JRebirth

Current Java Simple Projects Titles

  • On the use of data dimensionality reduction for spectral method based on Experimental execution of loop closure detection system
  • An innovative process of intelligent anti-theft doors within OpenCV database based on a development of face recognition used for PCA and LBP system
  • An effectual fault prediction process based on Hadoop distributed for computing clusters
  • A new technique of GeneticBee based on the energy efficiency problem of urban trains for evolutionary formulation and theoretic task
  • A new-fangled process for Simulation of generator protection used by Matlab
  • An inventive practice of fuzzy logic method via fuji apple fruit based on for Classification of maturity level
  • A proficient development of six degrees of freedom manipulator based on MATLAB for an Analysis of inverse kinematics method
  • The fresh technique of Linux designed for Research and implementation of laser shooting system
  • An intend process of decision tree, nearest neighbor, and Naive Bayes classifier based on to detect Indonesian swear words on Twitter for comparation of text mining scheme
  • A Framework process of Integration of the Java Agent Development into Plant Simulation based on multi-agent-systems in a discrete event simulation for Software-in-the-loop testbed system
  • A new technique of correlation analysis and packet digital average system based on noise reduction algorithm for research scheme
  • An effective searching answer similarity of algorithm case and forming automatic answer identity process based on implementation of K-nearest neighbor algorithm in case-based reasoning model
  • The novel approach of electric vehicle land speed record performance prediction based on Dynamic modeling system
  • On the use of Matlab and Simulink simulation based on railway vehicles for Evaluation of passive and active steering systems