Java Projects Ideas Mini Projects

      Java Projects Ideas Mini Projects is one stop solution to buying any kind of Java projects. We are newly appointed 50+ project developers, who have 10+ years of experience in top MNCs. Over a past ten decades, we are providing 1000+ Mini Projects in all technologies and domains.  More than 1, 00,000 research topics are ready to distribute around the world. As a part of the mini project development, our institute enhancing student’s creativity by providing various training programs. We are welcome students, who need to create your projects in their personal opinions and they have the opportunity to join with us.

Java Projects Ideas Mini Projects

     Java Projects Ideas Mini Projects provide latest project ideas with technical training for students. A project in programming language like Java is a not easy task because they require basic knowledge and ideas to implement it. For this reason, we provide real-time project training based on students project needs.

We provide Customized Project Training for

  • IEEE/Application Project Document
  • Journal Paper Writing and Publication
  • Real-Time Projects Development
  • Final Year Projects Development
  • Future Works Implementation
  • Report and Review Document
  • Software Research Work
  • PhD Research Work
  • Conference Participation

Java Scientific Libraries

  • Java Matrix Library

             -QR, SVD, LU, eigenvalue solvers


  • Java Numerical Toolkit

             -BLAS subset

             -Special functions

  • Java Visual Numerics



  • Java LAPACK

             -Port of LAPACK

Other Third Party Libraries in Java

  • Spoon 9.0 (Source Code Analysis and Transformation)

            -Open Source Library

  • JArchitect (Software to Analyse Java Applications)





            -JAR & WAR Files

            -OS: Mac OSX, Windows, Linux

  • ND4J (N-Dimensional Arrays for Java)

            -Integrates with Spark and Hadoop

  • Matlab Like Scripting Libraries

            -Implemented in SCALA environment

  • GNU-GSL 2.4 Scientific Library

             -GNU/gcc with Linux

            -Apple Darwin 5.4

            -Alpha GNU/Linux

            -FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD

  • Apache Pivot

            -Open source platform

  • JGraphT (Mathematical graph based Library)

            -Support for graph theory applications

       Here’s we have included few Java Project Ideas for your mini projects. We have provided latest project topics in Java programming language. Now, you may select according to your interest.

Java Projects Ideas Mini Projects

  • Mobile Applications using 3D Graphics Library
  • RFID technology for Automated Parking System
  • Content Base Mail Classification
  • Biometric Authentication System
  • Android Mobile Devices using Battery Optimizer
  • Emotion Argumentation and Blog Mining
  • Congestion Indication in Early
  • Epitomic Analysis for Face Detection
  • Image Steganography
  • Web Enabled Interactive Work System
  • Cryptography for DNS Security System
  • 3rd Party Protocols in Securable Networks
  • Route Optimization System in Railway
  • Vehicle Management System
  • Student Information System
  • Student Attendance Management System
  • Secure Group Communication
  • Asynchronous FPGAs for Crypto Acceleration
  • Intruder Detection System
  • Instant Alerter and Motion Detector

/*Sample Java Code for Face Detection Application using OpenCV*/

public class opencvFaceDetection extends Application
public void start(Stage mycvApp)
// Load The FXML Resource
FXMLLoader cvxmlloader = newFXMLLoader(getClass().getResource(“FaceDetection.fxml”));
BorderPane pane = (BorderPane) cvxmlloader.load();
Scene window = new Scene(pane, 800, 600);
// Create the stage with the given title and the previously created scene
// Show the GUI;
// Init the controller
FaceDetectionController ctrl = loader.getController();
// Set the proper behavior on closing the application
primaryStage.setOnCloseRequest((new EventHandler<WindowEvent>() {
public void handle(WindowEvent we)
catch (Exception e)

     This code made in Java for detecting human faces in images. Before writing it, we need to install the OpenCV library version 3.x and JavaFX 8. Our Java programming experts are experienced for implementing Java projects. Do you need to develop your Java Projects Ideas Mini projects? This place is well-suited for students who want to learn from the comprehensive introduction of Java programming language.

Sample Mini Project Topics

  • An efficient mechanism for text-mining and possibility theory based on model used by public reports into highlight of sustainable development strategy in city
  • An efficient mechanism for Measuring Security Practice used by IBM
  • An effective mechanism for RACK based Code Search into IDE used by Crowdsourced Knowledge
  • A new process of Non-Technical Losses Reduction based on Improving in Inspections Accuracy by Power Utility
  • A new mechanism for Distance based duplex mode in selection of large scale peer-to-peer by wireless networks
  • On the use of Osmotic Computing for Computational Offloading of Efficient Trust Management in Pervasive Online Social Networks
  • An efficient usage of Advanced pattern recognition in neural network applied by coal structure
  • A novel study of Research on feature extraction and pattern recognition for acoustic signals by MEMD and approximate entropy
  • A novel technique of Self-Supervised Neural Aggregation Networks by Human Parsing
  • An efficient mechanism for Recognition in Effect of Wild used by Deep Neural Networks