Java Coding Projects

     Java Coding Projects provide complete support for Java projects with source code. We have a readymade Java coding projects source code and document. This Java coding projects is helpful for students to get the programming knowledge before start for any project development. For this reason, we conduct Java programs for learning and developing Java projects. We offer projects in affordable price and you can get the many offers from our organization. If you are final year students, this service is benefit for you to earn and get the best quality Java coding projects. You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. Let’s get started.

Java Coding Projects

    Java Coding Projects is created by us for students to get a better solution for their academic projects. Java programming language is broadly support for real-life applications. Thus, the worldwide students who part of the computer science and engineering have the interest to learn Java programming. The main problem is that “lack of programming knowledge”, but truly says Java programming is superior and easy to learn in short span. We provide custom programming tutorials for individual students and also provide Java coding guidelines in online. You can contact through mail or team viewer. We are available online at 24/7. Here we included most important resources to develop the best Java project.

Libraries, Frameworks, Platforms

  • ATL
  • COM/COM+
  • .NET Framework
  • Cross Platform
  • Social Network APIs
  • Win32/64 SDK and OS
  • Windows API
  • Windows Security
  • LINQ, and MFC
  • GPU Programming

Java Technology

  • Alibaba
  • CenturyLink
  • Fujitsu
  • NTT
  • HPE
  • Oracle
  • Orange
  • Rackspace
  • Salesforce
  • VMWare

Computer Graphics

  • Java 2D/3D Graphics Library
  • GUI Programming Swing and SWT
  • 3D Animation
  • Behavior, Interaction and Picking
  • Geometric Transformation
  • Java 3D Scene Graph Construction


  • DirectX
  • GDI, GDI+
  • General Graphics
  • OpenGL
  • Speech Recognition
  • MIDI Files Processing
  • Stream Player Control
  • Capture Manager SDK

Cloud Computing

  • Azure
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Cloud Storage
  • Hadoop Deployed Cloud
  • Cloud Security
  • Single, Hybrid and Multiple Cloud
  • Broker Cloud Services
  • IBM and Microsoft

Internet of Things

  • Arduino
  • Embedded devices/Boards
  • Wearables
  • Web Services
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Netduino
  • Connected devices
  • IoT Services

Other General Programming

  • Algorithms
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Cryptography and Security
  • Game Development
  • Exception Handling
  • Network /Internet
  • Collections
  • Game Development
  • String Handling
  • Parallel Programing

/* Sample Java Code for Simple Neural Nets (Artificial Neural Network)*/

public class NeuralNet {

Neural network id

private String id;

// Neural network Input layer

private NeuralNetLayer inputLayer;

// Neural Network Hidden Layers

private List<NeuralNetLayer> hiddenLayers;

// Neural network output layer

private NeuralNetLayer outputLayer;

//Neural Net with Hidden layers

public NeuralNet(String id, NeuralNetLayer inputLayer, List<NeuralNetLayer> hiddenLayers,

NeuralNetLayer outputLayer) { = id;

this.inputLayer = inputLayer;

this.hiddenLayers = hiddenLayers;

this.outputLayer = outputLayer;


//Neural Net without Hidden Layers

public NeuralNet(String id, NeuralNetLayer inputLayer, NeuralNetLayer outputLayer) { = id;

this.inputLayer = inputLayer;

this.outputLayer = outputLayer;



Sample Java Coding Projects Topics

  • An innovative process of Multi-criteria Decision Analysis used for Change Negotiation in progression Collaborations scheme
  • The similarity search function of POSTER based on Application-Driven Near-Data Processing system
  • A modernization process of Multi-Antennae Largest Weight Data Retrieval based on Efficient Approximation Algorithms
  • A conversion process of the Multivariate Generalized Gaussian Distribution used for Image Editing scheme
  • The Joint Sparse Representation with Multi-View Dictionary Learning process intended for Multi-View Multi-Instance Learning system
  • A Reliable smart energy IoT-cloud service operation using by container orchestration scheme
  • An effective Cost aware service broker algorithm designed for load balancing geo-distrubuted data centers in cloud system
  • Design process of optimal resource allocation based on dynamic video streaming applications into public cloud environment
  • Malfunction progression characteristics based on cloud-enabled services
  • A new function of QuickSync based on Improving Synchronization Efficiency intended for Mobile Cloud Storage Services
  • A fresh principle of Mobile Contextual Recommender System designed for Online Social Media
  • A novel study of Performance  with Narrow-Band Internet of Things (NB-IoT)
  • An effective mechanism for Rendering Thin Transparent Layers based Extended Normal Distribution Functions
  • On the use of Visibility Sweeps for Efficient Stochastic Rendering of Static and Animated Volumes
  • An effective mechanism for Health care monitoring system in Internet of Things (IoT) used by RFID

     We hope this information is more useful for your Java coding projects. We support other programming languages include:C, C++, C#, Perl, VB.NET, VB6 Interop, VBScript, XML, .NET, Python, JavaScript.