Latest Project Topics in Java

      Latest Project Topics in Java is our leading service in doing final year projects for students and research scholars. We are providing latest project topics with end-to end solution for CS, IT and electrical students among which students can choose their projects in their desired research field. We are leading Project Company in providing projects under IoT, Arduino, Web development, Hadoop, Raspberry Pi, Big Data, Data Science Modeling and Analytics. We have 150+ project experts in web development and mobile application development with our own innovation and imagination. We provide multiple opportunities in projects to enhance and satisfy the customer needs. Students from any of the disciplines can practically implement, which helps you to understand the technology further. Only practical work and experience lead the life perfect.

Latest Project Topics in Java

     Latest Project Topics in Java provide latest project topics, ideas and abstract list for students (beginners, intermediate, and researchers). All final year Java projects, with source code and documentation offered through our experts. Our research team will properly guide you to publish your paper in any international journals like IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, ACM and we have published over 200+ papers in many international journals indexed in SCI and SCOPUS. In recent years, large number of online social networks (Twitter, Facebook, and Whatsapp) attracted students. You can build your final year project on online social networks. Here we provided information about “Online Social Networks”.

Social Networks Related Research Areas

  • Social tagging and applications
  • Stream and mobile data analysis for social network applications
  • Contextual social network analysis
  • Sentiment analysis
  • Social graph analysis
  • Mining social networks
  • Social network properties and analysis
  • Social ranking and opinion sites
  • Social media search and management
  • Recommendations and personalization for E-commerce
  • Community discovery in large scale and complex social networks
  • Searching tweets, blogs and other social media
  • Traffic prediction for media applications dimensioning
  • Mobile, social, pervasive content sharing and live media distribution
  • Information diffusion in social networks
  • Social gaming and social television
  • Immersive social networks
  • Spotting influences
  • Complex networks clustering
  • Terrorist identification
  • Mathematical models by network exploration
  • Influence monitoring and outlook
  • Spam and spammers detection

Technologies and Tools Support for Online Social Networks

  • Memcached
  • Haystack
  • Cassandra
  • OpenID Protocol
  • OAuth
  • Aardvark Search Engine
  • Apache Hadoop, Spark, and Flink

Major Algorithms Used

  • Backbone degree based disjoint community detection algorithm
  • Shortest path approach
  • Friend recommendation algorithm
  • Layout algorithms (e.g. Fruchterman-Reingold)
  • Graph and tree based algorithms
  • Clustering algorithms (hierarchical, similarity based, and betweenness)
  • Classification and prediction algorithms

/* Sample Java Code to Invite Friends in Social Networks */

// Source code for friend request in social network

import java.util.HashSet;

import java.util.Scanner;

import java.util.StringTokenizer;

class Ideone {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

int N = sc.nextInt();   // No of friends


HashSet<String> hs = new HashSet<>();   // to store name of the friends

String invitation = “”;

for(int i =0; i < N; i++)


String str = sc.nextLine();

String friend = “”;

int j =0;

while(str.charAt(j)!= ‘ ‘)


friend = friend + str.charAt(j++);

hs.add(friend);     // add the name before the number to HashSet


j= j+2;



int j =0;

StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(invitation); // divide string into tokens



String str = st.nextToken();

if(!hs.contains(str))   {

System.out.print(str+” “);





Latest Project Topics in Java

  • An authoritative progress of FarmAR mechanism for semantic web based on a farmer’s augmented reality application system
  • A practical progression of political event analysis into Twitter practice
  • The proficient mechanism for cStream of Cloud based on high performance video delivery network system
  • An inventive process of sensation and estimation retrieval from social media within Arabic language practice
  • A new-fangled scheme of Incremental Frequent Subgraph Mining based on Large Evolving Graphs system
  • An innovative practice of SocialStegDisc method based on Application intended for Steganography into social networks to generate a file system
  • A mutual function of consequence based on Content Quality with Social Ties on User Engagement system by Beautiful and Damned practice
  • A new practice of frequent pattern mining used for community inference in web logs group based on habit dedection in community via network traces
  • An innovative function of Smart pregnancy tracker system via social knowledge networks used for women
  • An intellectual scheme designed for predicting location as of text content based on social media practice
  • A successful intention of Analysis derived from data by machine learning approaches into social networks scheme
  • An effectual method of deep learning based on face liveness recognition within videos system
  • The novelty progression of Identification and influential spreaders in geo-social network method
  • A characteristic based on Couplet Attacks with Privacy Preservation into Social Networks scheme
  • An inventive process of Stock market prediction via neural network throughout news based on online social networks

      We hope this information is helpful for your final year projects. You can also choose these topics for Android based projects. If you need any further assistance, approach us through mail or phone. Aim high. You are 100% capable to do it and don’t stop. No assurance that you can’t have a better tomorrow.