Projects in Java

      Projects in Java is the service provider which is actually created for students and research scholars. There are lot of projects developed in core Java and advanced Java (Struts, Hibernate, Spring, AWT, SWT etc.). Our institute is the best place to get a high quality projects with guaranteed outputs.  We have 150+ top experts who have 10+ years of experience in Java programming. Java world is moving fast and completely changed in past decade. Millions and billions of applications are currently implemented in Java every day. Our students can get various benefits by choosing for online project training at 24/7 and they get an opportunity to work and interact with our top experts. If you need more information, please send a mail or give a call.

Projects in Java

      Projects in Java provides top of the latest trends in the Java programming language. We give project training for beginners to learn in real-time and also we have created the learning processes at colleges to fulfil the student project needs. Java is a high level programming language that provides full-fledged support for cross platform execution via JVM. Due to this wonderful feature, Java is still popular among researchers. In this page, we covered popular features, technology trends, and most interesting libraries and frameworks for student’s reference

Popular New Features in Java

  • Java can be deployed in an open source environment like Apache, MySQL, Tomcat, Linux as well as commercial components such as Oracle, Windows NT, BEA, IIS
  • Updated new Java features like Streams, New Concurrency Primitives, Lambdas, New JVM languages, etc.
  • Easier for Java developers and also build the code libraries for both Java EE and SE platforms
  • Make the overall Java secure and maintain application performance
  • Support static and default methods in Interfaces

Technology Trends in this Year

  • Web application framework (JSF)
  • Java web services (JAX-WS and JAX-RS)
  • Spring included in Open source Java EE framework
  • Hibernate which is alternate to JPA
  • EJB in Java EE using MyExam-Cloud

Interesting Libraries and Frameworks in Java

Supported Frameworks (Big Data Analytics)

  • Hadoop
  • Spark
  • NoSQL Databases (MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra)
  • Oracle Database
  • Relational Databases (MySQL Database, Postgres SQL Database)

Supported Libraries in Java

  • Google GSON
  • Jackson
  • Slf4j
  • Junit
  • Log4j
  • Servlet-log4j12
  • Commons-io
  • Guava
  • Mockito-all
  • Spring-context

Sample Applications using Java

  • A Smart queue reservation system intended for medical center
  • Scalable tracking system for public buses via IoT technologies
  • Smartphone application system of location with control of era and arrival of university buses
  • An atherosclerotic human arteries via previous vivo high-resolution MRI for 3-D reconstruction of tissue components
  • A graphical password authentication system based on Alignment function
  • A sensation categorization graphical password authentication and cued-recall system
  • The life saver-blood donation app as well as Blood donation
  • The Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose within Diabetes Management for mounting to Online Compliance directory
  • Using Chaotic Systems and DNA Sequences based on Biometric Image Encryption
  • Accomplish privacy-preserving and competent online fingerprint validation over encrypted outsourced data
  • A transformed biometrics derived from public key encryption model